About Us
Litume is an outdoor gear and clothing brand dedicated to making your adventures comfortable and memorable. In the 40 plus years of refining our product designs, we have finally managed to attain an impeccable level of craftsmanship and high functionality that has never been achieved in the market before. Our wide range, high-quality products include sleeping bags, moisture-wicking shirts, down jackets, and sleeping bag liner.
At Litume, we are driven by the ideals of active and healthy living, sustainability, authenticity, product excellence, and, above all, customer satisfaction. While still maintaining a strong emphasis on quality, our incredibly talented pool of the world’s renowned designers continually adapts to new technology and the latest research to give you aptly designed, eco-friendly products.
No matter where your spirit of adventure takes you, we guarantee that our outdoor gears will ensure that you experience the full thrill of nature.
At Litume, environmental conservation is at the heart of our mission; thus, we constantly continue to take active steps towards this noble endeavor by designing recyclable products and partnering with environmentally conscious organizations. Our long-lasting practice of transparency, our insistency on quality, and our capacity to source and manufacture a wide variety of outdoor products have earned us the loyalty of numerous customers.
Let’s Always Keep Moving Together!